Kachabazar at Mirpur-1

General Information of Kachabazar

Mirpur-1 Kachabazar is one of the important shopping place in the capital city, Dhaka of Bangladesh. It is very near to the Gabtoli, an important Bus Station. The distance is about 3 km. You can go by Bus, Rickshaw, auto, CNG and also by any other mode of transport. You can go by walking also whileit will take long. The google map location is here.

Available Food in Kachabazar

When you reach in Kachabazar you will find the shop of Guava, Apple, Orange and other fruits in the street of the bazar. You would get more shopping items like Coconut, Khejur, biscuits, chira, gur,


Fruits Selling Point


Different Shopping Items in Kachabazar

Moreover, there are different stationary shops in Kachabazar where anyone can get daily necessary foods items along with items that can be stored for long time.


Daily stationary food products

Different Types of Fishes and Meats

Different kinds of fishes and meats are also available in Kachabazar. Everyone can find local like small and big sized fishes. For example, Mola, Tengra, Puti, Soal, Ilish, Boal, Air, Katla, Rui, Kajoli, Poa, Koral, prawn, Chitol and all other available fish items.

Additionally, meat selling points are visible like mutton, chicken, duck and beef selling point in the bazar. In addition to that, local and seasonal vegetables are easily gettable in the shop.

Different fishes

Different types of Fish

Fishing point
Bagha Air

Fish Items

Pabda Mach
Tengra Fish
Soal, Taki Fish
Katla Fish
Different fish
Several Fish Selling Point

Hilsha Fish

Mutton Selling area

Mutton Selling Area

Chicken Purchasing Center
Duck Selling Point

You will also get people who are ready to cut your fish as per your direction and guidance. It will not only save your time in home but also remove your mental pressure by avoiding fish cleaning procedure at home.


People cutting Fish

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