Incidence Map-Jamuna
General Information of the Incidence Map
The Jamuna River is one of the braided rivers in the world. It is very dynamic due to the chaotic behaviour of the channel pattern. It changes its course frequently. The abandonment/development of the channel is very frequent. It is more dynamic than the Padma River. Channel Incidence map is very useful for designing and planning for water resources management.
Channel Incidence Map (Jamuna River)
A map of the Jamuna River helps to assess the appearance of the channels downstream of the Jamuna Bridge. Dry season satellite images from 1973 to 2023 were classified into land, sand, and water using remote sensing techniques. Then, the water part of each year is taken into insideration to prepare the map. For a better understanding, the percentage of the channel incidence frequency has ten (10) classes with an interval of ten (10). It has been not easy to assess a defined course of the channel in the last 50 years. This illustrates the dynamics of the Jamuna River.

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Furthermore, the total study period has two parts. One is from 1973 to 2002 and another is from 2003-2023. However, it is obvious that the river becomes very chaotic in the part of Lower Jamuna River from the Jamuna Bridge to the confluence with the Ganges River as it is tough to identify a clear path of the channel from the period from 1973 to 2002.
While two distinct anabranching channels exist from the period of 2003-2023. In addition to that, to know more characteristics of the anabranching channels, the figure has been prepared on a decadal basis from 2003 to 2013 and from 2013 to 2023. Two time periods show two well-defined behaviours of the channel. The right anabranching channel became more active during 2003-2013 while the left anabranching channel became more active compared to the right during 2013-2023. This indicates that the anabranching channel itself behaves differently over time.