Bend Development of the Padma River

Bend Development Process Meanders are the result of erosion-deposition processes tending toward the most stable form in which the variability of certain essential properties is minimized and this minimization involves the adjustment of the planimetric geometry and the hydraulic factors of depth, velocity, and local slope. Bend development process is very active in the major…


General Information of the Gaya Gaya is one of the holy places in the world. It is the most important location for Hindu society. Gaya is nearly 100 km away from the capital city of Bihar, India. Mainly, there is a temple inside called Vishnupada Mondir. The foot of the Vishnu is engraved in basalt…

Padma River

General Information of the Padma River The Padma is the most dynamic river in Bangladesh. The length of the river is about 100km. It originated from Paturia and its outfalls with the Upper Meghna River. It is a braided river. Padma carries the combined flow of the Jamuna and the Ganges Rivers. The river planform…

Barind Tract

Agro-ecology of the Barind Tract Barind Tract is one of the important agro-ecological zones in Bangladesh. It is located in the NW part. The largest physiographic unit of the Bengal Basin is considered as most drought-prone area. The zone can be categorized as High, Level and North-eastern Barind Tract. Agro-ecological zone of Barind Tract Main…

The Halda River

Ecological Description of the Halda River The Halda River is one of the vital rivers in Bangladesh. It starts from the hilly areas in Ramgarh Upazila under Khagrachhari District. Then, the river outfalls the Karnafuli River. The length of the river is nearly 106 km while width is nearly 135 m. Halda, a meandering river,…

The Aral Sea

Introduction The Aral Sea lies in between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The northern part of the sea is located in Kazakhstan while the southern part is in Uzbekistan. It was the fourth-largest sea in the world. But, the sea is no more the real sea now. The water area was about 60 km2 in the  1970s…

Pathorkuchi Pata (পাথরকুচি পাতা)

Pathorkuchi Pata is a herbal tree and its botanical name is “Kalanchoe pinnata“. It could be seen in India and Bangladesh. But, Pathorkuchi tree is not available now as it was past. The tree is not big like Basok Pata and it can be 2-3 feet long. Pathorkuchi has nice shaped leaves. The leaves are…