Dalan Styled Temples
Dalan Styled Temples
Wood or iron-made frameworks are useful to support the flat roof type Dalan Styled Temples. The major difference between Moth & Dalan lies in their roof. Dalan poses a flat roof, while the roof of Moth exhibits a cone shape which ends at a point. The room of the Moth is generally square or polygon-shaped. On the other hand, the room of Dalan is always rectangular. The height of the Moth is always higher than the Dalan temple, on the contrary, the room of Dalan is more spacious than the Moth room.

Categories of Dalan Styled Temples
Sree Sree Priya Ballav Jiu Thakur Temple
The temple located in B. K. Das Road of Farahganj is probably the largest-styled temple in Dhaka city. Though the temple is one-storied, its height is equivalent to a two-storied building. Moreover, there are other two storied structures on both sides of this temple. The front side consists of five entrances. Each entrance is decorated with colorful glass on the top arc. In addition to that, there is a beautiful parapet over the roof and an eye-soothing gorgeous crown on the center of the front side.
Furthermore, though the temple structure is in good condition now, the surrounding area is full of dirt and market wastes which are responsible for deteriorating the sacred environment of the temple. The origin of this temple is in time of 1897 AD.

Lakshmi Narayan Temple
The Lakshmi Narayan Temple of Nawabpur in Dhaka is more than three hundred years old. One source says that it was established in 1056 Bengali year. It is believed that the ancestors of Dharaninath & Priyanath Basak constructed this temple. The famous Janmashtami Rally of Dhaka city originated from this temple.
Besides, there are several buildings in this temple complex. Most of them are two-storied structures. Its roof is completely flat; there is no dome or similar decoration. The structure is deteriorating day by day and demands appropriate renovation. It has a circular design at each of its windows. The parapet of the roof is decorated with the design of lotus petals.

Radha-Krishna Temple (Shankhanidhi Temple)
Three brothers, who were businessman, named as Lalmohon Saha, Bhajahari Saha and Gaur Nitai Saha; developed some land properties in Wari and raised some prominent structures on that location in 1921-26. Radha-Krishna Temple is one of the mentionable structures among them. When the family became rich, they added ‘Shankhanidhi’ in their family title and that why the temple is also known as Shankhanidhi Temple.
The main temple of northern side was one storied but the other sided buildings were two storied. The parapet is raised at the center and forms a decorative crown. There were three carved wooden door for the entrance. Entrance stair and entire floor were made of imported Marble stones. Windows were decorated with red and green colored glass. Moreover, foliage design and motive of conch were really amazing. Illegal occupants demolished this structure in 2018.

Sree Sree Radha-Ballav Jiu Thakur Temple
Radha-Ballav Temple of Tantibazar is one of the beautiful ornamented temple of Dhaka city. This temple is not a large one. The main building is two storied. The first floor is Garbhagriha and possesses more foliage decorative look than ground floor. There is a wonderful wooden stair to reach first floor from ground. There are three entrances. The roof is flat and a crown is located at the center of front side.
The establishment period of this temple is unknown but the architecture indicates British rule period.

Sree Sree Pran-Ballav Jiu Temple
This beautiful temple is located in Bangla Bazar, close to Beauty Boarding. There are there wonderful entrances in front of the temple. All of the entrances are decorated with amazing foliage design. There is a crown at the center part of parapet, which is damaged at present. The colors of exterior is also very fascinating. The establishment period of the structure is unknown.

Sree Sree Krishna Chandra Jiu Bigraha Temple
Sree Sree KrishnaChandra Jiu Bigraha Temple is one of the most beautiful temples of Dhaka city which is located in Sutrapur. It is a one storied structure with three entrances. The three four sided semi open tiny pavilions on the roof have made this temple unique from other Dalan styled structures. Attractive color and amazing foliage design is highly charming and wonderful to look.
The temple was established in 9th Baishakh of 1317 Bengali Calendar (23 April 1910 AD). It was established by Shyam Chandra Gop, Hara Mohon Gop & Nitai Chandra Gop